Hello world!

Hello there, My name is Monica Narez. I am 24 years old, I’m the oldest of 6 kids. I am a mother of two beautiful babies. Adan is 3 years old and Abigail is 2 years old. I am also a wife to my soul mate and best friend for 5 years.

My main reason for starting this blogging is because I enjoy writing, Writing poems, stories, about my day. And thought well I believe others would enjoy reading what I have to say. I will write about a lot of things, happening in my world, and also what is happening in the outside world in my eyes and the weirdest subject about random stuff.

I’ve always wanted to write a book about my life. I was 13 when I came up with the idea. Until this last year I decided i was either going to write a book or start a blog. So here I am starting a blog.

Hope you all enjoy reading what I have to say. Have a bless day.

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